Remedies and Wares for a Magickal & Mindful Lifestyle

Where Nature and Magic Converge

The symbolism in our name invites you into a world where nature's wisdom and mystical energies coalesce. The leaf symbolizes our commitment to harnessing the rejuvenating energy of natural elements, creating products that resonate with the harmony found in the natural world. It signifies the promise of renewal, the unfolding of potential, and the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. The cauldron, steeped in mystical folklore, embodies the transformative power of magic and the alchemy of change. Just as a cauldron is a catalyst for metamorphosis, we see our products a conduit for positive change. The cauldron also symbolizes community and sharing, echoing the warmth of gatherings around a communal fire. At The Leaf and Cauldron, we believe in creating a space where diverse intentions and energies converge, creating a harmonious blend to enrich the world we live in.

Buy L&C Wholesale

We’ve partnered with Faire to offer 60 day payment terms, $100 off your first order, plus free shipping with us for an entire year.

Create a Custom Magickal and Mindful Lifestyle...

Custom Remedy Formulation
Herbal Brews ✧ Tinctures ✧ Topical Treatments ✧ Elixirs ✧ Spells
Custom Gifts & Party Favors
Elixirs ✧ Zodiac Sign Mysts ✧ Medicinal Tinctures ✧ Meditative Spells Bath Salts ✧ Mantra Mysts ✧ Dream Pillows ✧ Herbal Brews...
Custom Garments & Block Prints
Our Lino block prints can be applied to clothing and wares or I will also custom design art for you

Reach Out

In the absence of my dream Victorianesque brick and mortar apothecary shoppe, my virtual one is where our connections need to flourish. So, "step inside", pull up a chair, let the herbal tea steep, and let us embark on a conversation filled with the magick that only human connection can bring. I look forward to sharing a sip of virtual tea with you!